All medications and vaccines are broadly classified as a drug . They are artificially made chemical and bio chemical substances that cause harm to human health and ultimately will contribute to premature death . Medications do posses a defined chemical formula whereas vaccines do not have such . A vaccine could thereby be defined as a medication without a formula . This little publicised fact does make a vaccine the most dangerous and deadly drug known to humanity because of the unpredictable long term consequences .
There is no such thing as a safe drug . All drugs without exception will detrimentally affect the human body . The effects of some drugs will be more potent than others so whenever the medical authorities do rate the safety of a particular drug it is totally based upon a comparative foundation. Comparative safety methodology does veil the real situation and is deliberately designed to misguide and mislead . Quackery doth still abound within the current medical fraternity and has been refined to the point where a particular class of quacks called medical advisers have been given an undeservedly revered status .
In the organised criminal drug trade there exist three loose categories of firstly drug lord being positioned at the hierarchical top and secondly drug pusher being placed toward the hierarchical middle and thirdly junkie who will now take the hierarchical bottom of this simplistic illustrative outline . A junkie is dictionary defined as one with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency upon something . A conventional examination of this current world fake virus scenario will equate a vaccine manufacturer as the drug lord then medical authority and government as the drug pusher then a vaccine recipient as the junkie .
An intelligent viewpoint however will see the drug lord and the drug pusher as the junkie or more fully and descriptively expressed as the viro vax junkie or vaxoid while the vaccine recipient or vaxee is merely the unwitting victim of such . The vaxoid is obsessed with the creation of a false and fraudulent mass vaccination scenario for selective group power and control . When the a and x letters are removed from the newly devised word vaxoid the word void will remain . That does perfectly reveal and expose the mentality of those who needlessly intervene and forcefully promote vaccination . All void and no substance . They will never openly concede that a naturally healthy human being is not susceptible to any disease or sickness or illness .
The real key to a naturally healthy general population is allowing the individual complete determination of their own health matters instead of interfering domineering governance . However that will always appear too simplistic for an authoritarian mind who cannot resist a quick fix and a multiple hit in both their full word sense and extended word meaning .