Whenever and wherever enforcement restriction is gradually eased during the fake world virus scenario the vaxoids ( those who forcibly and unnecessarily promote vaccination ) will class the general population as either vaccinated or unvaccinated and ignore that part of the community who are neither vaccinated or unvaccinated . This will invariably raise an impression that a person must be either one or the other . However this situation cannot be applicable if a person does not specifically involve themselves in such a matter .

During the last ( 2nd ) world war the most famous national example of the neither stance was adopted by Switzerland which remained neutral . It did not physically involve itself in that conflict by choosing or favouring one side over the other . The now historical national neutrality that was applied and achieved by Switzerland on a macro level may be adopted personally and applied by any individual during the world virus charade .

A situation may arise where one is asked by a vaxoid for proof or vaccination before entry to a premise . The one being asked should then request the reason for that requirement . If it does become apparent whereby a deemed vaccinated person will be allowed entry but a deemed unvaccinated person will be refused entry then the neither stance could be taken . If one does present themselves as neither vaccinated or unvaccinated then logically and legally they cannot be refused such entry because of neither being one or the other .

The practical legal extension of this philosophical logic would be that anybody who has not been vaccinated is considered impaired or disable by the vaxoid mind . Discrimination law will now be applicable as generally nobody can be refused entry to any premise based upon impairment or disability . Although the vaxoid is actually the impaired or disabled person it does become legally inconsequential . The object of the exercise is drawing the connection between unvaccinated and impairment or disability .

To further illustrate this very important point a vaxoid could be given their own treatment by being asked whether they are mouse or marshmallow . If they do not reply or respond with neither then the point has thoroughly and irrefutably been made .

749 thoughts on “VAXOID GAME PLAY 2021

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