Category Archives: Federal Edwina


Pyrotechnic firework displays have become a culturally entrenched practice throughout Australia and the broader world as a way to mark the passing of one single year and the commencement of another year . Although during any given year such a display may occur for signification of other events the transition of one year to another does form the event for the largest pyrotechnic activity in the number and scale and public centralised nature .

Mass collective humanity does organise itself time wise in accordance with a calendar so most people would definitely know when one arbitrary year does conclude and thereby the commencement of the next arbitrary year . Pyrotechnology should consequently be considered an unwarranted and unnecessary frivolity which does significantly pollute the lower ground surface atmospheric layer with solid particle residue so there must obviously exist a hidden reason for this pagan ritual .

All thought derived human manifested activity will contain an incidental auxiliary symbolic and allegorical component or element regardless of the underlying motivational reason . The authoritarian elitist control network who delude themselves into thinking that they control the world but in reality are only controlled by their worldly materialistic desire do make use of the outlined scenario as a celebration of warfare .

Initially , in a royalist monarchical societal realm the main pyrotechnic activity was private individual usage of such to commemorate the birthday of the reigning monarch . However any monarch must ultimately protect their position by use of or threatened use of force hence the justification for military might to uphold that self exalted position . Realistically pyro technology has always covertly celebrated warfare by a disguised indirect manner .

Inadvertently , warfare sequentially does operate at the mental level and will ultimately uphold the false concept of cataclysm . Cataclysmic events are not natural occurrences despite their illusionary natural nature . The scientific contingent of the elitist elite control network would have everybody falsely believe that the whole universe is inherently violent which is not so ( quantum physics notwithstanding )

The real and only quantum leap anyone need make would be that the universe is not and does not function nor operate upon any deemed conceptual notion of violence . The entire universe did not suddenly and violently begin with a Big Bang . Such an imposition shall completely belong to those who are incapable of independent coherent creative thought .


Much of human collective existence does operate and function in an extremely distorted and unnatural way which is rarely questioned let alone challenged . The enacted distortion does invariably result in the practice and adoption of an opposite methodology . Opposite methodology may eventually become an entire system by demonstrative repetition . The derived system will eventually become upheld through an involved and complex indirect mock enforceable law network .

Such does happen because of the fact that an individual human does first and foremost imitate and emulate the behaviour and actions of those immediately within their own communicative reach . The mass media and internet have played an integral role in vastly extending and reinforcing this communicative reach . An ongoing and continual battle shall then be fought mainly at the sub conscious level between the individual equipped with an endowed conscience and reasoning power and the message conveyed by those that form the communicative reach of the individual .

There will generally be conflict between the developing and evolving reasoned conscience of the individual and the desire and purpose of the communicative reach formation . The extent and impressionability of the communicative reach formation will vary in its intensity which shall be dependent upon the strength and resolve of the individual .

Eventually a status quo could be established by the communicative reach network which then may gain the complete acceptance and thereby become the essential core thinking of the individual and many other individuals . This is the modus operandi of the devil gate drive and it shall drive everybody either down down or down down deeper and down .


Generally the most politically minded candidate will be selected and elected for any type of position from that of a school prefect to an American president . The candidate most suited for a position is usually not selected or elected . A broad definition for political mindedness would be bestowing privilege upon or favouring one group or individual in a society at the expense of other such groups or individuals and knowingly not acting in the best interest for everybody in the community . Much world media time has been devoted to the US presidential election which does make it a perfect event for the illustration of political mindedness .

Although there were a number of candidates contesting the US presidential election the entire focus was devoted to the two lead candidates namely Donald John Trump a male and Kamala Devi Harris a female . The flawed electoral and voting system in the USA will mean that if an American elector did become a voter they would have chosen one of these two candidates for the position of US president .

Because the main attention is based upon the personality and character of the two lead candidates in question the political parties they each represent can easily become very much a secondary consideration for a potential voter . Many of the American voters in this election would have chosen or selected personal character over political party .

Objective examination of the political mindedness for each of the lead candidates would easily ascertain the male as the most political and the female as the least political . The male was elected and the female was not elected . This did logically happen through two main possibilities . Either the voting electoral population of the USA acted politically or the electoral authorities that conducted the election acted politically during the vote counting and tabulation procedure or a combination of both .

In the grand scheme of things it matters not who does become US president and who does not become the US president nor does it matter how they did become US president or did not become US president . The important thing that does arise from such an event is the learning experience gained by its participants and followers . It does ultimately make for the best of all lore .


One must follow certain definitive procedure for a desired job position . An interview will eventually be conducted before an applicant is given their desired job . Almost the entire electoral population of the United States of America ( USA ) would know that Kamala Devi Harris is making an application for the top position in the American government which is short titled President of the USA . Polling day for this particular election will occur upon November the 05th 2024 .

Although all American electors who do ultimately cast a vote in the associated election for the position of President shall officially decide the matter it will invariably be the media coverage of the event that does largely determine its result by mass generated influence . Kamala Harris was given her vital job interview with that event being televised nation wide and world wide during prime time in the USA on Wednesday the 16th of October 2024 by the Fox media network .

Kamala does have an opponent in this election and he is named Donald Trump . Donald was not interviewed for the available position but he did appear during Kamala’s interview by a video clip . Because Donald disgraced himself upon that aired video clip by being knowingly misleading he was literally given the flick . A potential American President must lead and must never mislead . At the end of the interview Kamala was given the nod . The American media should favour Kamala Harris and not Donald Trump for the position of American president . A brief study in the philosophy of interpretation would prove useful and almost a pre requisite so that full appreciation can be given to the outlined revelation .


Any person who will reduce human life to continual game play with arbitrary rules that constantly change as deemed fit by some of those that choose game entry does broadly describe the war monger mentality . Aggressive domination would constitute the prime component for such an induced state of mind . Play can thereby easily become the most dangerous of all human activity despite the innocent connotation normally and typically associated with such . The full manifestation of the war monger mental state does result in an overwhelming compulsive determination and obsession to win at all cost whilst also simultaneously exhibiting a complete disregard for any derived and associated detrimental consequence . This illogical and irrational ego driven win determination may either involve selective disobedience of existing rules or hastily executed rule change or very obscure rule usage that does not fully regard the entire gamut of ramifications and implications . It can also include the utilisation of entirely new and innovative methodology and practice that would be outside the scope of the prevailing and existing rules or convention .

Ironically social advancement and popular approval do not form part of the war monger mental state because they both nullify the underlying and associated motivational drive energy . The character of the war monger does manifest as either cold and unfeeling when unstressed or agitated and angry when stressed . Military service does form a career path of the outright war monger character while secondary and associated institutions such as police and private militias and secret service agents and border protection agents and prison officers and immigration officials and private security personnel form a career path for those with a developing and aspiring war monger mentality . Every nation will and does accommodate this unnatural mentality by the creation of a military organisation such as an army or navy or air force for the outright war monger along with all the associated and various secondary institutions for the developing and aspiring war monger .

The reason for the development and manifestation of the war monger mentality would fundamentally be an animalistic desire for legal and forceful physical and mental control over other individuals or groups in society whether it does take the form of actual physical and mental control or a perceived threat of physical and mental control . If an individual cannot be liked by others then they can easily become hated by others compliments of the previously detailed organisations and institutions . Both like and hate do have the concept of respect as a substitute . Respect can be equally substituted for like or hate . Only one with an irrational mind would knowingly choose the label of like and hate and respect as they each equate to essentially the same thing .

The word like ( l / ick ) is an abbreviated word form that doth really mean lack of wisdom and knowledge . Conversely the word ick is a Hawaiian derived word meaning knowledge or understanding or wisdom gained through experience . It does refer to an inner knowing that is beyond just fact and information . People who possess a social media platform should not take any solace or comfort from the number of likes that may be registered thereon . Opposites regardless of form are fundamentally extremes of a commonality so anyone deemed as either opposite would be considered an extremist . Detrimental and damaging and harmful extremism in every imaginable manifestation does constitute the sole reason for the occurrence of all war and major conflict in this human earth existence .


One should only be instructed if they cannot find their own way . King Charles the 3rd and any future monarch of the United Kingdom and Northern Island must never think themself sovereign of Australia because a British monarch does not possess a passport and thereby can be refused legal entry to any other country . Circumnavigation of this legal obstacle is mainly achieved by delegating others to act upon their behalf by an oath or affirmation of allegiance . All federal Australian parliamentarians have sworn such oath or affirmation .

The Australian population does willingly accept rule by the British Monarchy as a claimed 90 per cent of such pay for their public transport usage when it should be free . Payment of a fare for public transport travel does not constitute a ticket to freedom for it merely doth represent a token of esteem to the reigning British monarch and the associated monarchy .

Australia or its population do not have collective freedom because they form an integral part of a foreign kingdom being its lower ( down under ) realm . Eventually the Australian population must choose its own type of collective societal organisational structure and thus avoid continual and unnecessary outside dominance and interference .

A ruler is an implement which does measure and make a straight line . If one does not have possession of their own rule they cannot straightly measure . However if a population does both collectively and individually needlessly allow others to measure them then they shall be mismeasured and subjected to a broad and assorted range of general mistreatment .

A nation must make its own measure of self worth and never leave it to the indiscriminate whimsical will of a foreign realm . The body of people that form the Australian nation must serve each other and no longer be imprisoned by a shameful past colonial history .


The Australian voting population will be subjected to an isolated referendum that is set and scheduled for the end of this year . Usually a referendum is incorporated as part of a general Federal election for the obvious practical reason of labour and monetary resource minimisation . The next Federal election should be held in 2025 . Apparently this particular referendum cannot be delayed until 2025 for some unknown reason but given its less than urgent nature such delay could safely be made without any detrimental consequence . In fact the referendum itself must be considered the most needless of all in Australian history and would be a serious contender as the most needless referendum in world history .

It could be construed that the Australian government is engaged in an activity that must be hidden from public scrutiny and the timing of the referendum will act as a major diversion . However any government national or otherwise shall always engage in activity that it must hide from broader censure for expediency . A prolonged lead time for any type of change will generally ensure and guarantee its eventual enactment . That outcome did transpire and result for the enactment of same sex marriage in Australia during 2017 so this tactic is now being repeated much more so for the voice to Parliament legislative structure .

The aboriginal population of Australia have now been exposed to Anglo European culture for well over 200 years and hence many generations to the point where their traditional and nomadic life style with its deep spiritual connection to the land and nature has almost been obliterated . This phenomenon has not just occurred in Australia but world wide . The spiritualism does still remain but its form has changed . It could be emphatically said that native spiritualism has been commercialised just the same as the commercialisation of the homosexual lifestyle with the derived mardi gras and the same sex marriage phenomena . In essence the age old battle between the perspectives of spiritualism and materialism and idealism ( dreamtime ) does continue as a legalistic civilised manifestation thereof . It may be academically and intellectually considered an integrated cultural evolution or a natural sequential progression development .

The pragmatist should clearly see that the created available positions for the outlined voice to parliament structure would be largely filled by the highly educated element of the aboriginal population which will be ingrained and instilled with a completely westernized materialistic outlook and viewpoint . Their ancestral heritage shall be instantly ignored and forgotten in such a bureaucratic environment of cut and trust that is totally divorced and severed from the idealistic dreamtime . Fuller international control and access to vital Australian mineral and energy resources especially the abundant reserves of quality uranium while simultaneously circumnavigating and side stepping land usage rights for all Australians would most likely represent the objective but the international demand for such can be easily fulfilled by the present functional and established regimes that have been carefully put in place over recent decades .


Wednesday February 08th 2023 does mark the introduction of reduced opening hours for many Coles supermarket stores throughout Australia . Coles and Woolworths have firmly established themselves as Australia’s two largest supermarket chains . Both supermarkets on the above stated date did additionally increase the price of some stock items . Most of these stock items are common to both stores so it must be seen as a coordinated and planned occurrence .

The Coles supermarket reduction of trading hours did mainly involve midnight closure
being reduced to either an 11 PM or 10 PM one . This overall reduction in trading hours
was not publicly announced beforehand .

Because a Coles supermarket was usually the last store in a shopping complex to close it now does mean an earlier close for some of these complexes in alignment with the Coles closure . Woolworths supermarkets do primarily maintain a 10 PM closure so the current situation is seeing more simultaneous conclusion of daily supermarket trade along with the aligned shopping complex closure.

Staff levels at these two supermarkets are more so consistently and fully maintained till store closure than any pronounced tiered and staged decrease of operational activity .
The high staff levels towards cessation of trade are primarily concerned with pressuring and ushering shoppers out of the store and general monitoring .

Control a nation’s food distribution and supply and the mass population is also likewise controlled . The world wide fake and fraudulent corona virus situation has not ended . The main objective of the virus scenario was eventually revealed as one giant colossal social engineering project of total regressive outright control and dominance . It doth relentlessly continue by indoctrination and mind control . A ceaseless war of attrition at the mental level . No pointed and loaded guns are ever directly required .

Earlier closure of Coles supermarkets will generally be dismissed as routine economising . The coordinated price rises however were specifically designed for the false economising perception and nothing else . Coles and Woolworths are both publicly listed share market companies and thereby have almost unlimited access to funds for capital expenditure . In other words both these enterprises have no need of excessive and extreme eonomising .

The agenda is plain . A compression of human activity for a more concentrated generation of bio energy . Interdimensionally influenced hybrid humans have controlled this realm since the dawn of civilisation and before . Trickery and deception and roguery and conflict and stupidity and confusion are all characteristic of the warped hybrid human mentality .

Large scale supermarket operation does constitute an essential service and as such should be constantly available . This doth mean 24/7 around the clock opening . The universe as a whole is comprised of partial constants and full constants . Just as the universe cannot and will not sustain an imbalance in the partial and full constant neither can planet Earth .

Parliamentary legislation of common sense is not required . Unfortunately common sense cannot be upheld by legislation because legislation does not make common sense . Any private household would usually have around the clock access to their possessions . Why should it not be so for community possessions ?


As every single human made law cannot be applied to everybody in a society unlike the natural or scientific law then the exemption factor does require some basic examination .
A legal exemption may be given to those who contrive and enforce the law and some who shall be subject to such . Under an enforceable legal system both these outlined parties may be alternatively viewed as transgressors of law and the determination as to who is such at any particular instance will be dependent upon ethical law .

Ultimately an enforceable human law can broadly be seen as ethical or unethical when the exemption factor is removed . This is best illustrated by selective example of ethical and unethical law . Ethical law is classed as beneficial for everybody in a society while unethical law will be classed as harmful to all .

An illustrative example of an ethical law would be that carriage of a loaded firearm by a person is illegal . Loaded firearm carriage does represent a danger to everybody in society and no sane or sensible individual could dispute such . Despite the ethical premise of such a law those who control do create an exemption category with the police at the pinnacle thereof . A police officer may legally carry a loaded firearm when on duty despite a plethora of lethal unnecessary police shootings throughout the world over the course of time . Self protection does form the usual explanation for a police shooting .

The self protection excuse is easily debunked as an implied contractual arrangement has been established whereby a police officer must sacrifice themself in the performance of their duty if necessary to protect the community . When the police shoot somebody the self sacrificial aspect is quickly forgotten and replaced with the attitude of shoot first and then assess the situation afterward . Better to be a living coward rather than a dead hero does become the prevailing and overriding rationale .

However , an episode of a police shooting will first require a removal of the ethical premise whereby nobody can carry a loaded firearm and this removal is achieved with a legal and lawful exemption . Those who legislate this particular firearm exemption and the police who carry the loaded firearm can now be ethically labeled as criminal regardless of what the legislative law doth state . In essence all police that carry a loaded firearm whilst on duty are nothing more than cowardly criminals who conveniently and deliberately break their community contract .

An illustrative example of an unethical law would be the mandatory wearing of a face mask to stop a spread of a supposed virus . Such an illogical practice does restrict normal human breathing and is hence harmful to health . Children under the age of 12 became the major legal exemption category . In this situation those who did make and enforced that stupid nonsensical law also did reveal themselves as fully fledged criminals of the lowest order by virtue of the underlying ethical law . This criminality does especially extend to all silly and thoughtless parents who did make their children under the age of 12 wear a face mask .

Another example for an unethical law would be the situation whereby a hospital surgeon can legally remove the organ of somebody upon the opinion that death shall eventually result if such an operation is not performed . The usual case for such a scenario would without doubt be a cancer diagnosis . Yes , the surgeon does legally gain the consent of the traumatised patient but there is no mention of a healthier lifestyle as an obvious remedy . An ethical law in this circumstance should be no organ removal for a cancer diagnosis . Any hospital surgeon who does perform such a heinous operation would automatically be seen as a criminal in accord with ethical law .

Based upon the illustrations an exemption for the ethical law will become the unethical law while an exemption for the unethical law shall become the ethical law . This reversal does translate into a legal frame flip . If there does exist a statute law that is made without an exemption then it may be meritoriously assessed as either unethical or ethical .

There may occur a situation whereby a piece of legislation contained within one legislative act will contradict some legislation contained within another legislative act . If a scenario such as this does develop the older act should take precedence over the newer act . Dominance of the newer act over the older act would require an amendment or repeal upon the older in such an outlined ambiguous legislative contradiction case to avoid any possible conflict .

Legislative parliamentary law that is unethical cannot redeem the action of anyone who does act under such . The ethical path should be clear for it is deeply embedded in the very essence of every human being . Unfortunately the world human population is being rapidly contaminated by something much more dangerous than any fake virus . There is now arising from the murky mire of iniquity the age old charlatan who doth vainly think that everyone can be fooled . Any charlatan of this persuasion should seriously develop some meaningful and beneficial altruistic intelligence and cease the unwanted interference .


Fundamentally , law should be regarded as a phenomenon which will create existence or being . A particular thing cannot exist or function unless it is governed by a corresponding particular law . Particular law cannot exist or function unless there does exist or manifest a
thing upon which it may act . It must therefore be seen that physical substance and law are derived simultaneously so the question of which came first does not arise .

The defining characteristic of particular law will be its applicability to all thing and object under its governance . This characteristic is best illustrated by the universal law of gravity whereby all physical things will be attracted to each and every other physical thing without exception otherwise the universal law of gravity would not exist or function . Although gravity as a concept would be classified a natural or scientific law the characteristic of total applicability should be relevant for all other law despite its type ( or should it ) . This total applicability assumption now does require further examination and contemplation .

Humanity does formulate law and by assumption of total applicability that formulated law is considered relevant and binding to all under its governance . Human law which is called statute or legislative law unlike its natural or scientific countrerpart will invariably contain an arbitrary component . There shall always be incorporated into human law a qualifying or exemptive element whereby a certain class of people are excluded from adherence to such law .

However , the applicability factor of law is only designed for things and objects which are not endowed with their own intelligence . The law for this type of thing must originate from outside or independent from the object itself . Humanity collectively and individually does possess intelligence from within and thus is not completely dependent upon outside and imposed intelligence in the form of definitive law .

Authoritarian dictatorial enforceable statute legislative law is not necessary for humanity because of the prior outlined reasoning . Humanity is not a collection of inanimate things and objects without intelligence . Those who somehow think otherwise and do consider themselves humane have obviously surrendered what little intelligence they may have once possessed to an external control . That external control is dominated by the lock and key mentality . Just as a lock was not devised by humanity neither was enforceable law .