All posts by admin_Edwina


In Australia the most powerful legal identity for an adult person in society would be viewed as that of elector which is created when one does voluntarily give their name and residential address and birthdate and sex or gender to the Australian Electoral Commission ( AEC ) so those details can then be placed upon various electoral rolls . If one does accordingly submit personal information in that manner they will gain the status of elector with the legal right of either becoming an election candidate themselves or nominating others to become such both indirectly through a political party or directly if approached by another elector that is seeking independent candidacy .

However , most electors will eventually and invariably become voters during their first election event and thereby permanently lose all initial elector status . The only possible way an initial elector could maintain their original elector status and hence their sovereign individual legal power would be nominating another non party elector for parliamentary candidacy . If the nominee does retain their own elector status during that parliamentary term of office the elector nominator will likewise retain their elector status .

All those who have obtained parliamentary office so far in Australia did not possess the ability or fortitude to retain their own elector status and so the personal trust of all but knowledgeable original Australian electors has been betrayed . With the establishment of computer technology the electronic electoral roll doth reveal the situation by displaying only the full name and residential address and electoral divisions of the eventual voters and not the other individual personal electoral details of birthdate and sex or gender .


Originally a pagan was viewed as one who harnessed particular animals for manual labour and raised others to be slaughtered for edible food with their skins and hides utilised for clothing and other accessories whilst other animals were raised for dairy food before being likewise slaughtered and utilised . The pagan was directly opposed to the vegan who tilled and cultivated the soil for the production of edible plant food and usable plant fibre for clothing and other related items . Religion did eventually somehow become associated with the pagan by the ritualistic blood sacrifice of animals in the name of various revered and worshipped personified deities . All current mainstream religion can begrudgingly and embarrassingly trace its source and origin to the sacrificial religious element of the pagan .

The first historical definition for vegan finally became redundant and has been superceded with more general terminology such as agriculturist or horticulturist or plantation farmer or crop producer . The modern definition for the word vegan has been revised as one who will only eat plant sourced food and otherwise does not utilise animals and does not use animal derived products or more generally those who uphold this type of lifestyle . While no deified religious aspect has ever been attached to the past historical vegan a blessing was always given to the crop harvest no matter how meagre by a communal event that simply honoured nature in a general sense .

The pagan very cleverly appropriated the nature blessing aspect of the vegan whilst hiding its own ritualistic deified animal blood sacrifice element . Currently the modern pagan has become a very respectable nature worshipper and credited with being the foundation of present mainstream deified religion minus the emphasis upon the ritualistic animal blood sacrificial element despite devouring and ruthlessly exploiting animals as they see fit . One bizarre practice attributable to the modern pagan would undoubtedly be animal utilisation in the creation and hosting of the virus organism then spreading it amongst humanity as vaccines . Still more bizarre must be the open but blatant misguided invitation for all the world human population to join their demented club in rank and file membership by an initiation ceremony called double dose vaccination with unlimited free booster shots .

In brief summary the vaxoids do form the essential core army of the vaxo ( id ) pagan elite . The vaxologist being the ones who study and practice vaxology should thereby be gainfully employed for many years yet to come . If anyone is still doubtful regarding the animalistic pagan influence and dominance upon the world then how does one otherwise explain the overwhelming emphasis and focus upon the animal kingdom when the plan(e)t kingdom is infinitely more beneficial and important and integral to the very existence of humanity .


Vaxology is unofficially recognised as a specialised branch of psychiatry which is entirely devoted to the study of the obsessive vaccination mentality . The vaxoid is identified or defined as an individual or collective of such who are infused and possessed by a mentality which will proclaim vaccination as the only sure method for prevention of human disease . This doth perfectly illustrate the dominant trait of the vaxoid as single mindedness . There will always exist more than one viable solution for any dilemma except in the case of the vaxoid who is really saying despite a multitude of solutions for any problem in this instance it shall be done our way and only our way . They must obviously think the world human population as little more than obliging pin cushions to be endlessly needle jabbed into a permanent unhealthy state and condition of domineering submission and absolute subjugation.

A vaxoid can only exist if certain circumstances are also present . It is not necessary for those circumstances to actually exist provided there can be formed a perception of such . This will not present an obstacle for the vaxoid mentality as they shall simply create those required necessary circumstances by the enactment of grand fraud . Given that a normal healthy human is not naturally susceptible to any disease or sickness or illness the vaxoid must convince the general population otherwise .

It should be briefly explained that the vaxoid does merely form a small part of the complex intertwined control network which is upholding and maintaining a total artificial construct which has markedly deviated from the natural reality . Practically everybody has become either a slave or a servant of the artificial construct . The vaxoid mentality will and does play its role in that enslavement and servitude .

What is loosely called the germ theory which has scientifically not progressed beyond the hypothesis stage does lay the foundation for the utilisation of vaccines . The concept of life span and life expectancy has also combined with the germ theory which will give a false impression of a compressed time limited life that is further restricted by a fully contrived certainty and inevitability of disease and sickness and illness . Life has been quantified and qualified by the control network which of course does include the integral vaxoid element .

Most individual humans do invariably kill themselves by the accumulative sum total of all the bad lifestyle choices they will and shall make . Temptation is abundantly abounding in both amount and type . One of those temptations is called vaccination made more so by interventionist vaxoid induced pressure and restriction . The vaxoid along with their array of assorted cohorts claim that vaccines will give protection from all viruses while drugs and medication shall give protection from nasty bacteria and other malign microbes .

Good health and a long meaningful life will only occur by avoidance of every temptation . Temptation is best defined as . . . . . . the desire to do something that according to endowed conscience in conjunction with human reasoning is knowingly wrong or unwise . Currently the worst temptation for humanity has manifested as the demented vaxoid and their one way trip to needless dependency and enslavement down the thorny path of vaccination .


News Flash – Stop Press – all official statistical information websites are designed with at least two ( 2 ) tiers . The visible and readily accessible public tier doth display the bogus statistics while the hidden restricted access tier shall contain the real statistics .

Any website will use a firewall and its key function on an official website is controlling the scrutiny and viewing of the information contained thereon based upon predetermined
( security ) rules . In other words it will direct website visitors to a specific tier incorporated in the website structure contingent upon defined ( security ) clearance . It could be safely assumed all official websites are constructed on a multi-tiered level . The ordinary public view the tier of mis-information while different authoritarian groups will be given access to the other level or levels according to each specific requirement . Although an ordinary website does possess a firewall it is not utilised in the same way or manner .

The eligible NSW Australian population percentage of those above the age of 16 years who have been double dosed with a Covid – 19 vaccine is really a little above 32 % and those with a single dose a little above 65 % . Officially those figures show as 77.8 % and 91.4 % . If there is created a false impression whereby the vast majority of a given population are perceived as vaccinated then those who choose against personal vaccination will never admit such which will mean any bogus statistics upholding a false impression cannot be refuted .

This Covid – 19 vaccination stat rort has probably been deployed throughout the world so the vaxoid cohort have not obtained anywhere near the legal thresh-hold consent target of plus 90 per cent voluntarily vaccinated population for avoidance of total criminal liability . It is most unfortunate that a website firewall can sometimes be inadvertently or accidently breached and penetrated but vaxoid technology will never be entirely foolproof .

NSW Australia did recently undergo a state parliamentary leadership change which was suspiciously enacted in regard to its circumstances and timing . Perhaps that event will now be highlighted and seen with a bit more clarity .


There exist 4 readily recognisable words with a dom suffix which is derived by shortening the word domain . Those four words are listed as freedom and kingdom and stardom and wisdom ( or whizz / dom ) . Whizz as a noun does define as a person who is extremely clever and competent in the application and performance of certain types of knowledge and does form a variation of the word wizard which is chiefly defined as one skilled in magic ( or a sorcerer ) . Language corruption does form a core strategy for the vaxoid or those with a vaccine prioritisation mentality as a way of extracting selective group power and control .

The central vaxoid word corruption has revolved around the word freedom . A vaxoid mind will have one believe that the word freedom can be pluralised . However any word that doth represent a state of being or attainment cannot be pluralised . Closer examination of the only other three readily recognisable words with a dom suffix would sufficiently reveal and illustrate the aforesaid unofficial non-pluralisation word language axiom .

It should be obvious the words kingdom and stardom and wisdom cannot be pluralised . The world nation of the United Kingdom ( UK ) or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland does not pluralise the word kingdom in its name because there can only be one final singular kingdom . This kingdom is considered the birthplace and home of the modern English language which is further indication that the word kingdom may only be used as a singular and not a plural . Famous actors and actresses of Hollywood and Bollywood have obtained or acquired stardom and not any falsely perceived or contrived plural of such . Gautama Buddha who is credited the founder of the spiritual philosophy called Buddhism did possess wisdom and not a plural of such . The purpose of Buddhism is the attainment of Nirvana which is broadly defined as a transcendent state of being .

Vaxoid mentality is substituting the word freedom for that of the word right ( or ritual ) . There does exist a plural for both right or ritual because they are viewed as an imposition or something that is unnecessarily imposed as an expectation . They are not in themselves a state of attainment or being . The vaxoid collective mind is removing or restricting the plural of right and ritual and is then making the substitution of a non existent plural of the word freedom and are thereby hoping that they will be hailed as the bestower of freedom . The variation of existing pluralised right or ritual and the imposition and introduction of new pluralised right or ritual does accurately explain the current phenomenon and such a phenomenon although singular can never be called freedom except by a dimwit ( a stupid or silly person ) or a dimtwit ( author of a dimwitted social media tweet ) . There is only one outstanding trait or characteristic of a vaxoid and it is predictably called singular stupidity .

Freedom is somewhat illusionary and cannot be accurately or fully defined by earthly thought or perception . The only way that freedom can be attained is by escape or break from routine . Routine doth represent a formidable secret and silent killer of and amongst humanity . It will eventually destroy real inspirational and humanely beneficial creativity and such creativity is the path and key to freedom . Freedom is a given and thereby cannot be bestowed or given of itself . Furthermore freedom can neither be found or discovered yet so many will make this foolhardy attempt . Surprisingly routine is mostly self imposed so it could be said that vaxoid mentality is entirely an obligatory self imposition .


The normal human breathing rate is ranged between 12 to 20 breaths per minute . Surgical mask wearing will not necessarily affect the rate of breathing but it does affect its intensity by increasing such . Breathing would be considered the essence and foundation for bio rhythmic generation so if its intensity is raised on a mass scale then life itself will also change by alteration and reconfiguration of the bio energy exchange cycle .

Human bio energy is interdimensionally harnessed in a covert manner . Agitation rather than serenity will invariably dominate on the earthly plane in order to maintain a continual and uninterrupted supply of bio energy for the interdimensional realm . It is definitely no coincidence that exercise especially the more robust type such as running and repetitious usage of weights and exercise machines has been indirectly encouraged throughout the demic called Pan . This trend was well established many a year beforehand so its direct connection to the overall fake virus scenario is not entirely obvious or apparent .

Raising the bio rhythmic intensity does form a hidden agenda of vaccination . Breathing patterns of vaccinated people ( or vax people ) along with mask wearing people ( or mask people ) and exercise conscious people ( or exercise people ) have subtly changed and do form the basis of bio rhythmic intensification . The alternate vax language word vemp an acronym of vax exercise mask person is defined as – one who has unwittingly altered their breathing intensity by either vaccination or exercise or masking or a combination of such . Vemptuous ( adjective ) is defined as – something exhibiting the character of a vemp while vemptuously ( adverb ) would be defined as – being characterised in the manner of a vemp .

There exist an English language term – the human field of endeavour . However one key word is missing which when included will give the corrected term – the human ( energy ) field of endeavour . It doth partially illuminate the demic of Pan . In mythology Pan does more correctly represent the god of mischief ( especially sexual mischief hence the words pansexual and pansexuality ) so that aforestated English language term can also be – the human field of ( mischievous ) endeavour . Mischief ( mis/chief ) can pervade every aspect of humanity and thereby so can Pan which does fully explain how the definition all has been attached to the prefix pan .


Vaccination does not achieve virus immunity . A virus will thrive and flourish in certain types of specific fatty animal protein abundant conditions and any vaccine must contain such , particularly gelatin and egg protein , as a vital and essential part of the bio chemical compound mix . The only protection from a virus is generating natural body immunity through a specific vegan food intake and abstinence of all straight drug and medication and skin applicant usage . A skin applicant does include cosmetics and soap and lotion and oil and moisturiser and sunblock while a drug will include vitamin pill supplements .

A short duration consumption of the food items listed below or similar in combination with the above stated abstinence will destroy any active virus in the body and supply all body nutritional need . The body will obtain all the nutrients unhindered by harmful chemical contaminant and an active virus will be denied its nutrition and thereby starve . Permanent maintenance of such consumption and continual abstinence of all drug and medication and skin applicant usage will give the body full and complete life lasting virus protection . It will also cure and give life lasting natural immunity and protection for any other disease and sickness and illness .


Sample Food Item Selection List ( for a Plane Earth Vegan ) in Australia


250 g jar of ABC spread ( almond / brazil / cashew ) Coles supermarket
425 g can of Macro organic chick peas ( chick pea 60 % / water ) Woolworths
425 g can of Macro organic lentils ( lentils 60 % / water ) Woolworths supermarket
1 litre carton of organic soy milk original ( soy bean 15 % / calcium carbonate ) Coles
1 litre carton of Macro organic rice milk ( brown rice 14 % / calcium carbonate ) W


custard apple / mandarin / blackberry / strawberry / blueberry
mango / peach / nectarine / apricot / plum
( the above 2 lines are natural produce available from a fruit shop or produce market )


note such an intake is known as Plane Earth Vegan ( or the acronym PEV )
note any other similar item may be consumed in accordance with circumstance
note any supermarket health star rating ( scale of one half to a full 5 ) is multiplied by 10


note health star rating 50 ( chick peas )
note health star rating 50 ( lentil beans )
note health star rating 50 ( ABC spread )
note health star rating 45 ( soy milk )
note health star rating 40 ( rice milk )


Plane Earth Vegan or ( PEV ) does mostly avoid and eliminate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

raw vegetable because only thorough cooking will destroy the natural toxin
food with E509 ( calcium chloride ) & food with E511 ( magnesium chloride )
food with E508 ( potassium chloride ) & food with added rock derived salt
aril fruit / bean 1 & 2 / berry 1 & 2 / capsule 1 / caryopsis 2 & 3 & 4 / drupe 3 & 4
drupaceous nut / infructescence / multiple fruit / nut / pepo 1 & 2 & 3 /
pome 2 & 3 / pulse 3 & 4 & 5 / samara / silique


BOTANIC REALITY all below listed whole plant food is classed botanically as fruit


Accessory Fruit strawberry

Aggregate Fruit blackberry / raspberry

Aril Fruit lychee / logan / ackee

Bean 1 lima / black / kidney / pinto / navy / adzuki

Bean 2 green or string

Berry 1 avocado / banana / papaya / grape

Berry 2 tomato

Berry 3 blueberry / cranberry

Capsule 1 poppy / sesame

Capsule 2 brazil nut

Caryopsis 1 rice

Caryopsis 2 corn kernel

Caryopsis 3 wheat / rye / barley

Caryopsis 4 oat / millet

Drupe 1 mango / peach / nectarine / apricot / plum

Drupe 2 almond / cashew

Drupe 3 coconut

Drupe 4 olive / cherry / coffee cherry ( coffee bean )

Drupaceous Nut walnut / pecan

Hesperidium all citrus fruit

Infructescence fig

Morus mulberry

Multiple Fruit jack fruit / pineapple

Nut acorn / chestnut / hazelnut

Pepo 1 cucumber / zucchini

Pepo 2 squash / pumpkin

Pepo 3 all melon

Pome 1 apple / pear

Pome 2 medlar / quince

Pome 3 rowan berry

Pulse 1 lentil / chick pea /

Pulse 2 peanut / soy bean

Pulse 3 pea / tamarind

Pulse 4 garden pea / field pea / sugar pea ( snow pea & snap pea )

Pulse 5 alfalfa / carob / clover / mesquite / grass pea / lupin ( bean )

Samara elm tree seed / maple tree seed

Silique shepherds purse / mustard seed berry



Whenever and wherever enforcement restriction is gradually eased during the fake world virus scenario the vaxoids ( those who forcibly and unnecessarily promote vaccination ) will class the general population as either vaccinated or unvaccinated and ignore that part of the community who are neither vaccinated or unvaccinated . This will invariably raise an impression that a person must be either one or the other . However this situation cannot be applicable if a person does not specifically involve themselves in such a matter .

During the last ( 2nd ) world war the most famous national example of the neither stance was adopted by Switzerland which remained neutral . It did not physically involve itself in that conflict by choosing or favouring one side over the other . The now historical national neutrality that was applied and achieved by Switzerland on a macro level may be adopted personally and applied by any individual during the world virus charade .

A situation may arise where one is asked by a vaxoid for proof or vaccination before entry to a premise . The one being asked should then request the reason for that requirement . If it does become apparent whereby a deemed vaccinated person will be allowed entry but a deemed unvaccinated person will be refused entry then the neither stance could be taken . If one does present themselves as neither vaccinated or unvaccinated then logically and legally they cannot be refused such entry because of neither being one or the other .

The practical legal extension of this philosophical logic would be that anybody who has not been vaccinated is considered impaired or disable by the vaxoid mind . Discrimination law will now be applicable as generally nobody can be refused entry to any premise based upon impairment or disability . Although the vaxoid is actually the impaired or disabled person it does become legally inconsequential . The object of the exercise is drawing the connection between unvaccinated and impairment or disability .

To further illustrate this very important point a vaxoid could be given their own treatment by being asked whether they are mouse or marshmallow . If they do not reply or respond with neither then the point has thoroughly and irrefutably been made .



All medications and vaccines are broadly classified as a drug . They are artificially made chemical and bio chemical substances that cause harm to human health and ultimately will contribute to premature death . Medications do posses a defined chemical formula whereas vaccines do not have such . A vaccine could thereby be defined as a medication without a formula . This little publicised fact does make a vaccine the most dangerous and deadly drug known to humanity because of the unpredictable long term consequences .

There is no such thing as a safe drug . All drugs without exception will detrimentally affect the human body . The effects of some drugs will be more potent than others so whenever the medical authorities do rate the safety of a particular drug it is totally based upon a comparative foundation. Comparative safety methodology does veil the real situation and is deliberately designed to misguide and mislead . Quackery doth still abound within the current medical fraternity and has been refined to the point where a particular class of quacks called medical advisers have been given an undeservedly revered status .

In the organised criminal drug trade there exist three loose categories of firstly drug lord being positioned at the hierarchical top and secondly drug pusher being placed toward the hierarchical middle and thirdly junkie who will now take the hierarchical bottom of this simplistic illustrative outline . A junkie is dictionary defined as one with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency upon something . A conventional examination of this current world fake virus scenario will equate a vaccine manufacturer as the drug lord then medical authority and government as the drug pusher then a vaccine recipient as the junkie .

An intelligent viewpoint however will see the drug lord and the drug pusher as the junkie or more fully and descriptively expressed as the viro vax junkie or vaxoid while the vaccine recipient or vaxee is merely the unwitting victim of such . The vaxoid is obsessed with the creation of a false and fraudulent mass vaccination scenario for selective group power and control . When the a and x letters are removed from the newly devised word vaxoid the word void will remain . That does perfectly reveal and expose the mentality of those who needlessly intervene and forcefully promote vaccination . All void and no substance . They will never openly concede that a naturally healthy human being is not susceptible to any disease or sickness or illness .

The real key to a naturally healthy general population is allowing the individual complete determination of their own health matters instead of interfering domineering governance . However that will always appear too simplistic for an authoritarian mind who cannot resist a quick fix and a multiple hit in both their full word sense and extended word meaning .


CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 officially named by the World Health Organisation ( WHO )
on February 11th 2020 is usually abbreviated to COVID – 19 by a selection of letters and numbers within the full term . However unofficially it could also represent the first letter of certain words and the last two numbers of the chosen year and the appearance but not the inclusion of two key missing words and two key extrapolated words . It would thereby translate as Contain Ostracise Vilify Irrationalise Discredit ( the ) one 1 ( in ) nine 9

That above mentioned unofficial derived version is depicting the verb form hence making it a sentence of command . It may also be interpreted as an order . The noun form of such with the appearance but not inclusion of three key words and two key extrapolated words will become . . . . . . Containment Ostricisation Vilification Irrationalization Discreditation
( of the ) one 1 ( in ) nine 9 . . . . . . with both the verb and noun form of the unofficial derived version also serving as mottos .

Addition of total letters in the main word body of the prior stated verb form will calculate as 6 + 9 + 6 + 13 + 9 = 41 while the addition of total letters in the main word body of the prior stated noun form will calculate as 11 + 13 + 12 + 17 + 14 = 67 . By reduction of the two calculated totals to single numbers . . . 4 + 1 = 5 ( total ) and 6 + 7 = 13 then 1 + 3 = 4 ( total ) it will give by the addition of the reduction totals . . . . . . 5 + 4 = 9 . . . . . . with 9 being the number of completion which does temporarily become fait accompligame over

However COVID – 19 hath now been decoded which will mean continuation of the game afresh . The derived number form of the one in nine expressed as a fraction will become
1 / 9 th while expressed as a percentage will become 11.1111 per cent repeated infinitively . Viro vax survey statistics do portray this percentage figure as the segment of the eligible population that will not choose vaccination as an option .

Corona as a word does chiefly define as the gaseous envelope of star . It doth broadly mean the atmosphere of a star which will also include its photon belt . All stars possess a photon belt . The interaction between the photon belt of our sun and that of the star called Alcyone has begun and already a slight phosphorescent luminous night glow can now be detected as outlined in the Photon Earth Vax post by those with the required awareness and insight . That glow is manifesting from night to day rather than day to night .

Ultimately the entire hidden agenda of the fake viro vax scenario has been directed toward the one in nine . It will now become a prolonged and protracted contest between the ego driven motivation of those that have orchestrated this situation and the ethical conscience derived resilience of those who ignore the contrived extortionist enticement of vaccination as a viable health measure . The bulk of humanity will act as unwitting spectators .