Predictably as of January 05th 2021 the virus ( genetically modified bacteria ) has already been released upon a predominantly unsuspecting and indoctrinated world population as vaccines . Part of the indoctrination process has and still does involve the compulsory wearing of face masks in many public situations but a kinky aspect is attached to such a practice because many occult sex orientated ritual gatherings also use face mask wearing . Sexual activity during these orgies would be considered very vigorous and sustained by normal standards and it does not involve usage of the mouth . Face mask wearing by the general population is hence giving symbolic support and endorsement to that class of kinky sexual activity .
Contrary to what official sources claim rather than slow a real virus progression face mask wearing would exacerbate and facilitate an infectious virus spread by the increased body carbon dioxide level of such wearers . A very significant and quite substantial proportion of humanity have now become potential living biological incubators for not only a virus but the whole gamut of micro organisms and pathogens . Direct distribution of the virus in a vaccine form to the eager and willing human incubators shall primarily mean an actual self induced spread .
Standard methodology will be deployed hence the distributed vaccines will become the sleeper bio chemical agent so a different trigger bio chemical must also be utilised each time to activate every different vaccine . Depending upon the ultimate aim and purpose of the scam warfare initiators and instigators the physical distribution and activation affect could be anything from premature death to elemental genetic modification . Regardless of any physical affect the meta physical consequences will undoubtedly be far reaching and ever lasting despite the mask party atmosphere giving a false impression by disguising the hidden agenda/s .
What did say – when asked the reason – ?
Q What did God say when asked the reason for wearing a mask ?
A I could no longer tolerate being upstaged by the Devil .
Q What did the zombie say when asked the reason for wearing a mask ?
A I don’t like offending other zombies .
Q What did the unmasked person say when asked the reason for not wearing a mask ?
A It’s okay – I’m just taking a breather .